Our Services

Charlie, founder

What we offer

Our Services

Pruning and Removals
  • large-statured deciduous and evergreen structural pruning
  • retrenchment pruning of trees in decline phases of life
  • fruit tree pruning for production and ornamental management styles
  • ornamental and “character” pruning, including bonsai and espalier
  • restoration pruning following storm damage or line clearance
  • cabling and bracing
  • initial assessment
  • periodic inspections
  • retrenchment pruning
  • risk-management planning
  • aerial inspection
  • Preventive care plans – Construction and site modification damage mitigation
  • preventive pruning plans and specifications
  • preservation strategies
  • risk assessment
  • species selection and placement
  • tree-centered landscape planning advisement
  • aerial inspection
  • written Arborist’s reports
Fire Mitigation
  • defensible space planning
  • thinning and firebreak clearing

Working Process

What to Expect

01. Reach out

Send us an email to initiate a discussion.

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02. Discuss Your Needs on Site

Explain your needs. From here, we can make recommendations based on our expertise as well as answer any questions that you may have.

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03. Schedule Your Appointment

We'll schedule a time to do the work based on the plan we've discussed and agreed upon.

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04. Complete Your Project

We will do all of the work discussed. This will be done with attention to detail and ample communication.

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Image of tree rings


Get Started

Reach out to inquire about a project. We would be so excited to work with you!

Image of tree rings

Be Arborcentric
